How to Vote

How do I mark a ballot?

Each ballot tells you how to mark your choices. If you have a question, ask an election official. If you make a mistake, fold your ballot and give it to an election official. The election official will give you another ballot.  Ranked-Choice voting is used in Maine for Primary Elections and the November General Election for federal offices.  To help you understand how the system works and how to mark your ballot, see the following resources:

Maine Secretary of State RCV Video

Maine Secretary of State RCV Resources

Can I have help voting?

Yes. If you need help reading or marking the ballot, you may ask a relative or friend for assistance. The helper does not have to be a voter or old enough to vote. An election official can also help you read or mark a ballot. However, your employer or union official cannot help you vote.

Do I need to go to the polls on Election Day to vote?

No. Any registered voter may cast an absentee ballot instead of voting in person at the voting place.

You do not need to have a specific reason or be unable to vote at the voting place on Election Day to use an absentee ballot. Call your town or city clerk for an application and assistance.